Why Pouring Grease Down the Drain Is a Bad Idea

When it comes to drain cleaning in Columbus, OH, DrainMaster has dealt with every type of scenario imaginable. That’s why we know that pouring grease down the drain or oily substances is one of the main causes of plumbing nightmares. We often warn our clients about this bad habit because we don’t want them to experience costly repairs related to backups.

Although regular drain cleaning services can help keep the buildup in pipes under control, it’s critical that no one in your home ever uses the drain to dispose of grease. Here’s why:

The Insidious Side of Grease

When someone pours grease, fat, and oil down the drain, they get stuck on the pipe interior and harden once they cool down. Dirt, hair, food residue, and other debris also latch on the grease buildup, resulting in a clogged drain. 

When this happens, wastewater will back up into your drains and potentially cause a flood, damaging your floors, walls, and valuables. This also encourages mold growth, posing health hazards to your household. It will take more than drain snaking to address the problem.

Potential Hidden Pipe Damage

As the blockage grows inside the drains, it may add pressure to your pipe. When left neglected, the gunked-up pipe may leak and corrode, increasing the risk of premature failure and a hefty repair bill occurring.

For this reason, be sure to contact an experienced plumber in Columbus, OH, once you notice anything wrong with your drains. Also, always dispose of fat, oil, and grease in the garbage bin. Wipe off your pans, plates, and utensils with a paper towel before washing them on the sink.

As your go-to drain cleaning company, DrainMaster is here to help you reduce the need for emergency calls. We’re more than glad to share some tips and advice on how to take care of your drains. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.

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