Dealing with pet hair is a fact of life for many pet owners. But what happens when your furry friend starts shedding in the bathroom? Fur can easily clog up drains, leading to nasty and expensive plumbing problems.
You can rely on DrainMaster for the best drain cleaning in Columbus, OH. Read on as we share tips on keeping your drains clean and clear of pet hair.
Use a Drain Strainer
A drain strainer is a valuable tool to have when bathing your pet. It keeps their hair from getting washed down the tub. Even if you don’t notice any shedding before putting them in the tub, you might be surprised at how much fur comes off once you start scrubbing. To minimize the risk of clogging, it’s best to seek drain cleaning services once in a while.
Be Careful What You Flush
Some cat litter brands claim that they can be flushed down the toilet. However, even if they are biodegradable, they can still cause clogs and even contaminate the water supply. Drain snaking might not be enough to solve the problem. The best way to dispose of used litter is to place it in a bag and throw it away.
Hide Exposed Pipes and Drains
Because animals enjoy chewing, they may consider a drain pipe a fun new toy. Have your trusted drain cleaning company cover any exposed pipes to prevent your pets from doing so. You may also move furniture out of the way to prevent them from accessing the pipes and open drains, so you can steer clear of plumbing disasters.
Let Us Help You Pet-Proof Your Drains
At DrainMaster, we will help you avoid a clogged drain and other problems caused by pets. We will advise on the best measures to take so you can maintain a safe environment for your furry friends. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.